With a petition on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the market launch of the pharmaceutical Contergan (thalidomide) by Grünenthal GmbH on 1 October 2017, Andreas Meyer (severely-damaged thalidomide victim) is calling upon the newly-elected Federal Parliament on 24 September 2017 to pass a nationwide Anti-Corruption Law!
The aim of the Anti-Corruption Law is to ensure that the often unholy and anti-democratic collusion between business and politics cannot arise and/or is subject to painful sanctions for those involved. This legislation will create a federal authority to combat corruption in relations between business and politics, with powers of prosecution.
Andreas Meyer explains: “Through the Contergan Foundation Act, the politicians of this country deprived me of my right to claim compensation and condemned me to the forced acceptance of charity, for the benefit of Grünenthal. This is degrading. And the taxpayer must pay the bill. In reality I am a Grünenthal victim. I do not wish to be in anybody’s debt.“ Andreas Meyer is Chairman of the Bund Contergangeschädigter und Grünenthalopfer e.V. (BCG).
The outcome of the Contergan scandal reminds him, Meyer says, of many other business scandals. The main cost burden is borne by the tax-paying public; the companies causing the scandals pay only a fraction or nothing at all. The politicians have made this possible. The scandal victims and the public are in the same boat. For 30 years, Meyer has organised vigils before the gates of Grünenthal. Now, with the nationwide Anti-Corruption Law, he wants to give something back to the people. “60 years of Contergan are enough! The politicians have failed to protect the public from Grünenthal and other companies. Now it is time to protect the public from corrupt politicians,” believes Meyer.
Meyer calls on all people to sign the petition.
Meyer also invites all organisations that support an Anti-Corruption Law to work together with him in this project for a “Nationwide Anti-Corruption Law”.
Andreas Meyer’s petition can be signed and shared at the following link:
Background information:
Federation of Thalidomide Sufferers
and Grünenthal Victims
c/o Mr Andreas Meyer (Chairman)
Dohmengasse 7
50829 Köln
Email: bcg-brd-dachverband@gmx.de
Website: www.gruenenthal-opfer.de
Mobile: +49 (0)172 / 2905974
Please refer details of the legal and socio-political significance of the lawsuit.
Please refer our press release dated 5.9.2016 about the filing of the lawsuit.
Please refer our press release dated 13.2.2017 about the court proceedings.
Please refer our press release dated 9.3.2017 about the continuation of the proceedings with no out-of-court settlement.
Please refer our press release dated 08.06.2016 about the not yet final judgement of bonn regional court on 10.5.2017.
Please refer our Invitation dated 19.01.2018 to the court hearing at the Cologne Higher Regional Court on 15.2.2018.
Please refer our press release dated 06.02.2018 about the hearing at the Cologne Higher Regional Court on 15.02.2018.
Please refer our press release dated 4.6.2018 Gruenenthal Cartel against Contergan victims.
Please refer our draft resolution to extend the audit mandate of the law firm GSK Stockmann & Kollegen dated 9.11.2018.
Please also read Section B of the open e-mail letter from Andreas Meyer to the Chairman of the Council of the Contergan Foundation, Christoph Linzbach (BMFSFJ), dated 30.4.2019.
Please refer our press release dated 29.05.2019 Gruenenthal’s man from the Family Affairs Ministry.